Monday, February 28, 2011

New Steampunk Game Tephra

You can read about it here. It uses a D12 system, which I've never heard of . The game is in play testing status right now but you can still buy it for 14.00 + 4.00 shipping.

I like the fact that they've done away with classes and what sounds like an interesting crafting system. Tephra is actually the name of the planet where this takes place (rather then an alternate European history). It has 5 races (including humans), so there is a certain fantasy element as well. Anyways, it looks interesting.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Emerald City Comicon Seattle Next Week

We'll be going to the Emerald City Comicon next week. I'll post pictures and all after we get back.

Steampunk RPG American Style

There is a soon to be released tabletop RPG called Steamfortress Victory that has a particularly American take. You can read about it here. There's also a video by the game developers about what the game will be like.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Portland Steampunk Film Festival This Weekend

Well, we have to much stuff going on this weekend to make it down there for that. Portland has a very lively community of people into the whole scene.

You can read about it here.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Zenith Trailer - Steampunk Movie?

Moving pictures. What will they think of next? This just came out and is in limited release.